Bantoo Music is developed to empower artists and music right holders. It's an innovative tool for copyright holders to promote and sell music and to monetize on their copyrights.
An important part of Bantoo Music is to inform artists and copyright holders of the rights that are linked to their music.
Bantoo Music aims at providing new opportunities for promoting and selling music to monetize on their music talents.
In 1998, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which amended U.S. copyright law to address important parts of the relationship between copyright and the internet. The three main updates were :
(1) establishing protections for online service providers in certain situations if their users engage in copyright infringement, including by creating the notice-and-takedown system, which allows copyright owners to inform online service providers about infringing material so it can be taken down;
(2) encouraging copyright owners to give greater access to their works in digital formats by providing them with legal protections against unauthorized access to their works (for example, hacking passwords or circumventing encryption); and
(3) making it unlawful to provide false copyright management information (for example, names of authors and copyright owners, titles of works) or to remove or alter that type of information in certain circumstances.
The DMCA intends to encourage copyright owners and service providers to work together to combat existing and future forms of online copyright infringement.
The DMCA notice and takedown process is a tool for copyright holders to get user-uploaded material that infringes their copyrights taken down off of websites and other internet sites.
If you are a copyright owner and believe that your music is incorrectly used on the Bantoo Music platform, you can address a DMC Notice request to [email protected]. Several elements must be included in a takedown notice that are specified by the copyright law.
After a takedown notice and the required documentation is sent to Bantoo Music, the user, subscriber or other person who is responsible for engaging in the infringing activity is notified. If that person – the alleged infringer – in good faith does not think the activity is infringing, he or she can send a counter notice to the Bantoo Music explaining why they disagree with the copyright owner.
After receiving a counter notice, Bantoo Music will forward that counter notice to the person who sent the original takedown notice. Once Bantoo Music has received a valid DMCA counter notice and no appeal is received from the alleged infringer, the takedown procedure will commence. A takedown procedure takes up to a few weeks.